CURRENT UTC plane img

IFR procedures, terms & rule of thumb


IFR interceptions terms img

If: Heading to choose:
10° ≥ AoD 3 x AoD on the required course (tracking phase)
10° < AoD ≤ 60° 30° attack on actual bearing
60° < AoD < 90° 90° attack on the required course
90° ≤ AoD opposite heading to the required course up to 2 min after passed abeam position, then 90° attack on the required course
OUTBOUND AoD / 3 on the required course (minimum 45°, maximum 90°)
AoD = Angle of Difference

DME arc:

DME arc img

interception from the outside 80° turn
interception from the inside 110° turn
required lead before turn KTAS / 200 (in NM)
turn 20° when the bearing points 10° before the abeam position
0.1 NM too far turn 20° towards the station
till 0.2 NM too close maintain heading
more than 0.2 NM too close turn 10° away from the station


standard holding img

holding entries img

direct entry img

offset entry img

parallel entry img

drift correction in img

drift correction out img

Non-standard holding:

non-standard holding img

Procedure turns:

base turn img

45 180 procedure turn img

80 260 procedure turn img


racetrack img

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