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Pression altitude calculator:

QNH altitude QNH Pression alt.
FT 0 FT*

*0 + (1013 - 1013) x 27

Pressure altitude is the height above a theoretical level where the weight of the atmosphere is 1013.2 hPa as measured by a barometer in the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).

Density altitude calculator:

Pression alt. STD temperature Actual temperature Density alt.
FT 15 °C °C 0 FT**

**0 + 120 x (15 - (15))

Density altitude is pressure altitude adjusted for a non-standard temperature.

Decision altitude (altimeter temperature error correction):

Decision alt. RWY alt. Actual temperature Indicated alt.
FT FT °C 200 FT

Decision altitude is a specified altitude at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established.

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